Thursday, September 30, 2010

A question I often get asked is what one can do about their bad breath. One of the main reasons people get bad breath in the first place is because they neglect cleaning their tongue. The tongue is covered with finger like projections called Papillae. It is in between the Papillae that microscopic food particles get stuck. Bacteria then starts to grow because the food particles are stuck in an enviornment of 98.6 degrees which in turn creates a mal odor.

In addition to your regular bi-yearly professional cleanings, you should also be cleaning your tongue on a daily basis. In order to do so properly you should purchase a tongue scraper (Breath RX is recommended) which you can pick up at a local pharmacy.

Last but not least, due to the fact that most bacteria is found on the posterior part of the tongue, which is towards the back of the mouth, it is important to gargle with mouthwash that contains an active ingredient for treating bad breath. Make sure to gargle the mouthwash and to not just swish it around in your mouth.

At Prosmiles we address the issues you are most concerned about. Please feel free to contact our office anytime by phone (201-945-1600)or e-mail ( and always feel free to come visit our beautiful brand new office!

Yours Turly

Dr. Lena